the Willow Glen Backfence eList


The eList is a free community service: "the electronic equivalent of talking with your friends and neighbors over the back fence". 


The eList is run by a team on the website, the personal website of Larry Ames, operated as a community service.  It exists for announcements, questions, discussion and general communication related to the Willow Glen neighborhood. 


This list is a "closed list" -- only registered members can post.  Messages are not reviewed prior to posting -- everything sent to the list is automatically posted.  The Moderators may review those posts after-the-fact and might take action as described below if needed to moderate the list.


To join the eList, please first review the rules and guidelines >here<, which basically say: "follow proper netiquette and you will be most welcome."


eList members are expected to observe proper "netiquette".  Acceptable posts are personal email about Willow Glen.  Often it is clear that a subject is acceptable [e.g., "lost cat on Cherry Ave"].  For additional guidance on the acceptability of a post, please see  When it is not obvious, you are encouraged to contact the list Moderator at "" for guidance.


The eList has two modes: "immediate" and "digest".

-       In Immediate Mode, each post to the eList is delivered immediately as a separate message.

-       In Digest Mode, the messages are saved, generally for up to a day or two, and then sent as a collection, along with a "table of contents".  (If there is heavy email traffic, the digests may arrive more frequently.)  The Digest Mode may be preferable for those who do not want to be bothered with frequent "you've got mail" interruptions, but, depending on the settings and software on your individual computer, the messages may be a little more cumbersome to read.

Note: the Digest mode does not work well on some systems, and also it may be desirable to receive instant notice at times.  A good compromise is to configure you email account to automatically place all WGBackfence eList messages into a special folder, which you can then read when convenient.  Click >here< for instruction.


To join the eList:

send an email request to


with "join eList" or "digest eList" in the subject line


When our volunteers get you subscribed to the eList, you will receive a "Welcome Message" (also available on-line >here<) that explains in details the rules and guidelines.


We recommend that new subscribers "listen in" on the conversation for awhile rather than immediately jumping in with posts: it helps for one to first get a sense of the eList, which is by now a well-established community.  As moderator of what the community wants and doesn't want on the eList, I take guidance from the recent survey >here<.


Welcome, and enjoy!


~Larry Ames, eList Moderator



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